Thursday, January 20, 2011

This journey...

So, I did it!  I started my own blog. 
I am nervous, excited, and trying not to waste to much  time focusing on it.  So, it will be a work in progress and gradually over time I hope to figure out how to make it look a little nicer, add some pictures, decorate it a little and just make it a place for me to come, that I enjoy. 
I am not a great writer.  I don't always know how to use words right or punctuation for that matter. I don't have a great education background.  I am not very computer savvy.  I often can't keep my thoughts going the same direction.  I don't type fast enough to catch the words in my mind.  I don't have a lot of humor and tend to be more on the serious side!  I really don't know what the heck I am doing on here. 

But, what I am, is a mom, a wife, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a granddaughter and most importantly, a follower of Jesus.  He is my Father, my king, my savior, and my love.  (Although, I must admit here that you can't always tell that looking at my life. It is often messy and ugly.)  I love God and desire more of his presence in my life.  My heart is to glorify Him in all that I do!  I stay home with my kids and everyday I am so incredibly thankful for that gift.  It hasn't always been easy, but it it truly a gift.
God has really been speaking to me or challenging me lately with some things.  I get so completely overwhelmed with household tasks.  Cleaning, laundry, dinner making, taking the dog out to go potty, exercising, trying to create healthy meals, just living this thing called life.  I often begrudgingly do those tasks and resent it.  My heart will literally feel heavy because I have allowed it to overwhelm me.  I claim that those things take my time and waste it while I watch my kids play and entertain themselves at a distance.  But really, they don't.  I have control of my time and need to start making the most of it.  I am challenged to live more simply.  I am challenged to let these tasks that clutter my mind and my hands go.  I am challenged to learn to simply sit, play and wrestle with my boys, engage in meaningful conversations with my husband, to spend more time with Jesus, and take the time to ENJOY my life.  To laugh.  To embrace the many blessings he has poured out. 

My boys are growing so quickly and I am so convicted that some day when they look back they will remember me as a mom who was just busy with other things other than them.  I don't want that.  I want them to see me laugh with them, to stop when they call my name, to snuggle, to read, to engage in conversations, and to BE present with them.  It's a work in progress, but I must admit/confess, (whatever you want to call it) that over this past year I have not been very good at doing that.  It also effects other areas of my life.  I get focused on all the "to do lists" that I forget to stop and enjoy all that I have been blessed with. 

That is why I have chosen to call this 2enjoythejourney.  I want to have a place to come that reminds me of this, that I can share my simple delights, my thoughts, my convictions, funny stories, things that I have learned to pay attention to now that I am learning to take my focus off of the busy tasks of the day.  I am in the process of de-cluttering my home, and the unnecessary things that take my time.  (I just got a great book, Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider to help me!)  I will probably fail at times, but it is a journey...


  1. Yay, I'm your first follower!!!! "Disciples of Sybil unite" - bahaha... but really I'm excited for your blog. I think you're wonderful, and I love you, and I'm looking forward to seeing how you're enjoying life!!!!

  2. Sybil! I love love LOVE your blog! I'm so happy you're starting one after all this's perfect. You're so creative and such a good writer too. It sounds like this is a new season for you. I'm so excited to follow your process friend. Much love to you...
